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Saturday, February 4, 2012

How To Lose Weight After 40


By : Chris Krieger
Submitted 2010-12-31
Losing weight can be a very difficult process for many people. At the age of 60 I am finding it harder to lose a few pounds than I ever did before. Actually after about 40 years old I found that losing weight had become much more difficult than when I was younger.

Our metabolisms change as we get older, but that is not all there is to it. Our activity levels also change and our appetite's tend to grow as well. I noticed that my appetite has grown, although I am still very active physically and I try to exercise very consistently. Unfortunately a vast amount of the over weight people over 40 today are not physically active and they do not have a regular exercise plan in place. I have been tempted to try fad diet plans. They tend to not only not work but have you eating some less than healthy products.

I have had some great success not only losing some weight but also maintaining my weight by eating a natural super healthy diet and actually losing weight and becoming healthier than ever before. It all started with a mental change in how I considered what my daily food choices would be. I had to do a fundamental shift in my understanding about natural food versus processed and refined foods. I re-looked at how much of my daily diet consisted of refined foods with loads of sugar, bad fats and too much salt.

Really being honest about my the level of my desire to lose some weight and keep it off was a must. I knew if I had a strong enough desire to lose some pounds I would find the way to get it done. Since I believe strongly in being healthy naturally it was clear that re-evaluating how I look at food choices in general was where i needed to start.

I know that any temporary or half hearted actions would not only not produce any weight loss but even if I did manage to lose some weight, I would probably just gain it back again.

If I want to change the picture altogether and achieve all three of my objectives, namely to lose some weight, control my weight and also be healthier, the only sustainable solution is to change how I view food choices in a fundamental way.

No more refined, highly processed foods, no more foods packed with sugar, fat and salt.

I have to stick to real food, like fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat or just chicken and fish in smaller serving sizes. Over all I need to cut the serving size of all my meals. It is a lot healthier to eat moderate size meals, eat less food and ultimately I know I will lose weight and keep it off. But only if I adopt this new way of viewing my food choices and stick to it for the rest of my life. I have to do the work of educating myself about nutrition and healthy eating and the even harder work of breaking the long held habits of eating anything I want without thinking about the consequences.
Author Resource:-To find out more about dropping pounds naturally and healthily and to learn about shaping your lower half you need to go to How To Lose Leg Fat right now!

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