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Sunday, March 4, 2012

How To Lose Weight, Calories Can Be Worked Off

By Magrietha du Plessis
on April 18, 2009

When you first ask the question: "How To Lose Weight?" Calories can be worked off in different ways. Some people prefer to start cutting out the easy ones such as sodas, sugar in coffee and fruit juice. Other people prefer to start getting a little more active. One thing is clear though, it does not matter where you start, as long as you stat somewhere. Once you start losing weight, you will become motivated to do more.

So, in how to lose weight, calories can be worked off in two ways:

1. Getting a little more active with moderate exercise
2. Cutting out any unnecessary calories in your normal eating plan

In this article I want to show you a few ways you can work them off with moderate exercise. The easiest way here is to look for any opportunity in your daily life where you can get a little more exercise. A little here, and a little there, it all adds up to help you burn off some fat.

1. Ways you can get more exercise:
· Always take the stairs instead of the lift or elevator whenever possible
· Even if you have to go too many floors, take the stairs for at least as many as you can
· Walk to work or school if it is at all possible
· If you cannot walk all the way, get of a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way
· Do your shopping on foot if at all possible, carrying the parcels are an added bonus as some weight training!
· Instead of having lunch in the cafeteria, pack your lunch and use lunchtime to take a brisk walk.
· Whenever you HAVE to walk, for what ever reason, concentrate on walking as fast as possible, swinging your arms energetically.
· You can even use the time in front of the television to do some stretches!

So in how to lose weight, calories can also be burned off to increase your fat loss. Look out for the other article where I give you tips on how to cut out all unnecessary ones in your daily eating plan.

Burning off extra calories is only the start. To really lose weight you will have to do more. Get all the detail at Maggie's site How To Lose Weight Calories. She also has a blog called How To Lose Weight, go and have a look.

Read more: How To Lose Weight, Calories Can Be Worked Off

Thinking About How To Lose Weight, Calories Can Be Your Friend

By Magrietha du Plessis

Okay, so now you are thinking, is this woman crazy? I though that when I'm thinking about "how to lose weight" calories, together with food, were the enemy! True if you think of it from the food side of things, but if you think of easy ways to burn them, they become your friend. To get rid of all those extra pounds, can be far easier than you thought.
Now you want to know what I mean. Well, if you're thinking about food, then it is true. If you are thinking of ways to work off the fat, then calories become your fiend. You will be amazed at how much you can speed up your weight loss with moderate exercise. It is not necessary to kill yourself, if you faithfully do moderate exercise for at least thirty minutes a day, you will be amazed at how much weight you will lose. I have just lost four pounds by doing it, without changing anything I eat!
It is true though that if you have a lot of fat to lose, only exercise is not going to be enough, you will have to eat right as well. Once again, it does not mean you have to starve yourself, on the contrary, if you eat too little, your metabolism will slow down and you will find it very difficult to lose any weight.

So, this is the reason why a place so much emphasis on exercise. With exercise you can speed up the process without your metabolism slowing down as will happen if you eat too little. Even a brisk walk will melt away the pounds at a rate you will not believe, if you do it regularly, though! This is the first place where when you are thinking about how to lose weight, calories are your friend.
You may now also wonder if there is more you can do, apart from watching what you eat and some cardio. There is, building muscle will also help you speed up things. It is true that muscle weighs more than fat and if you build muscle it may initially look as though you are gaining weight. Well, you will be gaining weight but it will be lean muscle weight that is going to help you get rid of the fat and reach your dream body in the end.

Now you have to remember, muscle uses more energy than fat, even when you are sleeping. This means that once you have built some muscle, your metabolism will increase and burn the fat at a faster rate, even when you are sleeping. This is the second time that when you are thinking about how to lose weight, calories are your friend. Just think of all that energy burned by those lovely lean muscles you built.

To build muscle you do not have to go to the gym, there are many books as well as videos available that will show you exactly how to do it. The most important thing you have to keep in mind is that it has to be a well balanced program. To keep your skeleton in balance you have to develop all the muscles and not only a few. I think it will be easy enough for you to see whether a program is balanced. You will easily notice if a muscle group is left out.
Okay so now you know how it is that when you are thinking about how to lose weight, calories can be your friend. Combine regular exercise with a healthy diet and you will easily get rid of all those extra pounds.

Read more: Thinking About How To Lose Weight, Calories Can Be Your Friend
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